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To Not Protecting The Source...Of Leads

Every real estate "expert" that wants to sell you their secrets always end up talking about the same thing...Leads. I am not saying I am an expert, I work to be good at what I do, but people hardly take the time to talk to old veterans in the business that had and have a good business, they know something about leads. The Results Real Estate Group is a team, husband and wife, started by the would be husband. I, the wife, came in and took over everything Marketing in the company, which is a lot given we do real estate. Since I have come on the team, I started tracking sources of leads in 2017/2018. Recently, I had to ask myself-after Facebook removed a metric I loved using in Leasing Snapshots-if I should use Facebook in our marketing plan? The only way to know is to look at the numbers and data.
To have an idea of whether or not Facebook should be in our future game plans, you have to have a reference something else comparatively. Last, from January to December, Zillow was the source of 44% of our leads, followed by Ring Central (our business line) at 29%, thirdly Facebook at 19%, and lastly 8% for everything else (Hot Pads,, Apartment Guide, etc).
So, for our 2020 data, we are only comparing about 6 months of data, January to May/June, but I will later in the blog share the numbers which would make me comfortable to make a proper comparison. A slight change of order, Facebook is in the lead with 35% of all of our leads, Zillow is in second at 34%, Ring Central is third at 24%, and everyone else is 7%. 

Even though I have 12 months of data for 2019, 2019 had only 244 leads versus 2020 in 5/6 months there are 369 leads. Keep in mind, the first half of 2020 is Coronavirus. I don't even have an idea why I would have more leads this year versus last year, and how did Facebook get to the top, even if its only by 1%? We are one of the many realtors that use Zillow but do not care for some of the things it has done to our industry. Facebook is giving Zillow a good run for their money, in their so far sucessfull recreation of the Craigslist Marketplace. But even bigger than that, I am that much more glad it is apart of our strategy. Don't you want to do business with someone that is modern with old fashioned values? 

Begin with the end in mind, which is to lease or sell your home to the best applicant that can be found in a reasonable amount of time. A diversified marketing plan is very essential to this, because it is only a matter of time and metrics. So many people view/inquire/apply and move in. If you need multiple applications or offers to make sure you sell to the right person, you need the numbers on your side. Leasing is considered to be the "low hanging fruit" and a core part of what we do. Rentals are integral to investments and leasing when done right and often is a very good way to pay your bills. No matter what you do, its important to own what you do and do it well. Happy Investing!

Orange, CA-TRREG DRE#01843673-RP100 - Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn


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