In this blog, we are going to make our action plan. Let’s start with the Inside Zone.
Here are some Healthy action items for the Inside Zone: Bring the Fresh Air inside, get to know your pollutants, Test for possible pollutant sources in your home, and keep pollutants out. To bring fresh air inside your home, use a mixture of passive ventilation and spot ventilation. Some pollutants to know is: Radon, Mold, Dust, Lead Based Paint, Asbestos, VOC’s, and Combustion Gas. To test for any of these pollutants in your home: Use your senses, get a DIY kit, and have your home professionally tested. To keep pollutants out: keep gasses vented to the outside, keep your home dry, keep your home nontoxic, and keep your home clean.
Here are some Money Smart action items for the inside zone: Improve your lighting design and boost energy efficiency. To improve your lighting design: embrace natural lighting and choose smart artificial lighting sources. To boost energy efficiency: sometimes you don’t need power, take control of your phantom load, and make your appliances perform. Here are some Sustainable action items for the inside zone: Get Water Wise and add smart interior design features. To get water wise: choose water efficient appliances and change how you use water indoors. Some smart interior design features would be paint finishes and flooring.
Now you may not like all of these ideas, but this is to get you thinking and let you pick the right mix for your green home. Join me next week as we make an action plan for the systems zone.
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References: Green Your Home by Gary Keller
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