Greetings, Today I wanted to simply jot down some thoughts I had about this novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that the news cycle seems to love to talk about: - Will real estate values be affected? The answer is the same as every real estate question, it depends. I believe luxury will be impacted, I think more modest dwellings will not, and for a very simple reason, there is not more inventory and people have to live somewhere. - Is this our 1987 moment? In 1987 we had Black Monday, the biggest one day stock market drop in history, afterwards, real estate prices went up in a straight line for 18 months. Just like any good investor, when there is a shock to the system, you have to recalibrate, you either go to safety (or even relative safety, like houses versus paper ownership in a company), or you go to what has been undervalued. I suspect there is a good chance this is our 1987 moment for real estate. The 80's are dead, long live the 80's. - The drop in stock price...