This is the next installment of a 7 part series exploring ideas of why real estate is such a good investment. The focus will be on single family and multifamily real estate, but a good idea is a good idea, enjoy. Building is a straightforward way to add value. There are really two classifications of it. Either remodeling or constructing. In terms of remodeling, as mentioned in a prior post, it is important to find a 'quarterback' that knows what and who to ask. Improvements should be thought of in terms of how much value it will bring, it has been said that kitchen and bathrooms are the highest return on investment. has a very good annual report ( linked here for Los Angeles, see last page ), some highlights is that a MINOR kitchen remodel returns 105% of the money put in. Other things include the expected, Grand Entrance (108.1%), Garage Door (123.8%) and perhaps unexpected, Deck Addition, wood (98.8%), Windows, double pane (102.6%)New ...